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Sanitary Sewerage

A sanitary sewage system moves waste water and materials away from their origin point so they may be disposed of or treated. There are three main varieties of sanitary sewage systems. Cities often have two types of systems, the storm sewer, which moves clean water and refuse, and the effluent sewer which moves dirty water and human waste. The third kind, which uses a septic tank, is used when a building… More

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Sanitary Sewage Systems  |  Sanitary Sewer Manholes, Frames & Covers  |  Sanitary Waste & Vent Piping


2 companies found

Project Management Turnkey Project Electrical & Extra-Low Voltage Engineering Services Mechanical Engineering Services Air-Conditioners & Ventilation Systems (ACMV) Fire Protection Systems (FP) Plumbing & Sanitary (PS)… More