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Foreword & Messages

Message by President, Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA)

A landscape architect is a multi-faceted individual who focuses on nurturing both the built and natural environment and finding that delicate balance where they become mutually beneficial. Evidently, our work cuts across many fields or natural, urban and social sciences in our pursuit of designing ecologically sensitive, environmentally conscious, socially effective and above all aesthetically attractive urban green open spaces for all.

Landscape Architecture sits at the intersection of environmental consciousness, ecological sensitivities, and science-based applied technologies, encompassing art, environment, ecology, architecture, sociology, and engineering elements. As we move towards a nature-based approach for addressing the complex urban challenges for the future, the landscape architecture profession has gained renewed focus reinforcing the need to embrace urban greenery as an indispensable component of planning a resilient, sustainable, healthy and highly liveable city.

As a valuable resource for the profession in achieving our endeavors, we would like to extend our congratulations on this latest edition of The Singapore Source Book for Architects, Designers and Building Contractors and our continued support for the directory. Hopefully this source book will not just be a source of material reference but also a source of inspiration and collaboration, with City in Nature as our collective vision.

Srilalitha Gopalakrishnan
Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA)